It is Official...

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...I seem to be nothing more than a glorified CAD monkey. Whenever testing needs to be done, I am left out. When I ask to be taught how to do the testing (or if I can at least observe the proceedure), I get a nervous chuckle and a change of subject. I am not even included in conference call detailing any of the current projects I am working on! All I get is trickle-down information. Talk about feeling loved (beware of the sharp edged sarcasm there)! Maybe things will change...I don't know... All I do know is that my current prescription only has about 25 days remaining, and that the prescription cannot be filled in Japan. Here's to a future full of uncertainity! -- Posted From My Softbank iPhone

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This page contains a single entry by Larry published on August 19, 2009 12:48 PM.

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